Trip to China

A good friend of mine, Joshy, from university here in Newcastle has always wanted to open his own restaurant. During their time at uni, he and his Chinese friends were always searching for a taste of cuisine from home. They located one or two specific dishes at a couple of restaurants here that were authentic and tasty, but couldn’t stand the sloppy sauces that have been branded as Chinese cuisine. It’s ridiculous…us Brits are pretty adventurous with food, even Geordies eat loads of sushi these days! Why are the so called Chinese and Indian restaurants continuing to lie to us, calling themselves authentic?


So Joshy spotted the opportunity of opening a restaurant over here in the UK serving food which he actually eats back home. He’s got good taste, so he wants to have a professionally trained chef, but only someone who has been brought up and trained in China, so they’re not deluded by the British take on Chinese cuisine.

Cue: a mission to China to find a chef. And guess what…I’m getting the pleasure of going along too!